Cardiovascular Diseases are really disorders in the lining
of the vessels. Your vessels are lined with a type of tissue called the
Endothelium. It is a single layer of cells that act as a wall with thousands of
little gates called receptors that allow certain chemicals in to affect the
smooth muscle layer beneath it. If this protective wall gets damaged or the
gates get stuck open, we are going to have a problem.
This endothelial lining is really the KEY; it is the wall,
that allows changes in the muscle tone as well as invasions into the delicate
space underneath. Think of the endothelial cell layer as a fence with hundreds
of gates called receptors. These gates are opened with specific chemical keys
that change the function of the smooth muscle layer behind the fence and can
even change the shape of the fence. Under normal conditions, chemicals released
by the brain and other organs and glands can knock on the gates looking for
permission to enter. For example, when you perceive danger a sympathetic nervous
system response in the brain causes the release of a chemical that will enter a
gate to cause the smooth muscle layer to contract and increase the speed of
blood flow which increases the blood pressure so you can run away from the
danger. It is a normal response; but we can get ‘stuck’ in an ‘on’ position
from chronic stress or inflammation in the brain that makes the chemical.
There are an endless number of ways that the endothelial
wall and gates get damaged. Oxidation, Inflammation, Sugar, Stress, Chemical
toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, and infections. It is termed “endothelium dysfunction” and it’s
a key event in the development of heart disease.
Once the immune system becomes aware of this damage it sends
white blood cells called monocytes to the scene. These monocytes also release
cytokines which are inflammatory themselves.
These cytokines cause the endothelium to release sticky molecules that
act like Velcro grabbing on to the monocytes that have been released. The monocytes become macrophages which are
known as scavenger cells and are responsible for eating up the molecular junk.
The problem is that the macrophages continue to eat until they burst and die
releasing a whole new set of toxins into the walls of the artery. As you can see this cycle will be continually
triggered until the cause of the problem is addressed. The body tries to contain this buildup by
building a scar or fibrous cap on the area. Over time if this cap weakens a rupture
can occur. When this blister pops we
have a Heart attack.
How does cholesterol play into this scene? Cholesterol is also one of the important
weapons your body uses to fight infection.
Cholesterol is delivered to the scene and is used to neutralize the
toxins that are released. As Dr. Sinatra MD. Cardiologist states “Blaming cholesterol on the injuries is like
blaming the firefighter on the fire”.
Cholesterol is also the raw material that your body uses to
make vitamin D, sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It is
also used to make bile acids that are needed for digestion. You also need
cholesterol to make brain cells. Low
cholesterol has been linked to depression, aggression and memory loss. The
brain contains 25% of the body’s cholesterol as it plays a vital role in
allowing the cells to communicate with each other. You do not want your levels
to go below 150 total. Memory loss and neuropathy are side effects of
cholesterol lowering drugs. Life can’t
go on without cholesterol it is needed for normal physiology.
Most of you have heard that we have good cholesterol (HDL)
and bad cholesterol (LDL). However, there is more to the story. Being a fatty substance cholesterol is not
soluble in water or blood. So how does it get into the blood to be measured?
The liver surrounds it with a protein coat that allows it to enter your
circulatory system. This protein wrapper bundles cholesterol with other
substances like triglycerides and it is released into the blood stream. It is
these substances known as” lipoproteins” that we measure when we measure our
cholesterol levels. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the cells that
need it and HDL carries excess cholesterol back to the liver. The idea of good and bad is outdated.
We now know that we have subtypes of LDL, subtype A and
subtype B. Subtype A are big and fluffy and do absolutely no harm. Subtypes B
are small and dense and are the ones that can become oxidized. Remember form
our earlier discussion about the triggers of endothelial dysfunction and one of
them being oxidation. Well subtype B
particles become oxidized and become sticky which can contribute to the damage
to the wall and these small particles can also pass through the gate. You don’t
want to have subtype B dominating.
Knowing you have a high LDL level is pretty much useless
unless you know how much of that LDL is subtype B (small and dense) or subtype A (big and
fluffy). There are several labs that offer cholesterol particle testing one of
them known as a “VAP test” also “LPP” (lipoprotein particle profile)
In addition to LDL and HDL particle testing;
High Sensitivity C - reactive protein
Serum Ferritin
Lp(a) Lipoprotein a
Hemoglobin A1C
We can identify and monitor inflammation and oxidation with
the above markers. Next we must determine the source of the problem, is it
Blood sugar, Oxidation, Inflammation, Stress, Leaky-gut, Chemical toxicity, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, or infections. As stated
earlier there are a number of different scenarios and every patient is unique
and must be investigated as such.
Our approach is to prevent problems. Let’s be clear
conventional medicine is simply terrific at keeping people alive in
emergencies. If you are having a heart attack go to the nearest emergency room
you can find. But as good as medicine is at treating emergencies it’s bad at
overall preventative care. Our goal is
to keep your heart healthy for the long run and keeping you out of the hospital
in the first place.
It’s well documented that proper diet and nutritional
supplements can feed and heal your
heart. Studies also support the fact that diet and nutrition can reverse heart
disease. We offer a comprehensive
natural solution to be sure you are headed in the right direction.
Diet- Most patients think they have a good diet. However, many people have silent food sensitivities, For example, upon ingesting gluten your body’s immune system reacts and cytokines are released. Cytokines are inflammatory, so that piece of whole wheat bread you have for breakfast is not as good for you as you think. Testing for food sensitivities is important. Wheat (gluten) Dairy, rice, soy, whey, rice, corn, potato, egg, oats, and coffee, all of these foods can contribute to inflammation. Our patients receive complete personal support in modifying eating habits so that it becomes a reality and lifestyle.
Nutritional support- Quality Supplements is key. Do you
smell your B vitamins in your urine ? do you burp up fish oil ? Those
are signs of low quality. Not all
supplements are created equally. We use high quality supplements that are
absorbed by your body. Determining the type of product or products used could
vary from patient to patient . Dependent on what systems need to be fixed based
on metabolic testing. Even if you are currently on medication nutritional support can help.
Stress Management- An excess of stress hormones can create
inflammation and contribute to heart disease. The main stress hormones are
cortisol and adrenaline. Testing
cortisol levels can help identify problems.
It is also important to provide therapies that balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems. The sympathetic system is what prepares us for fight or
flight. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure. It becomes active in
times of emergency, for example swerving to avoid a deer while driving. It also
suppresses non-emergency functions such as digestion and libido. With the high
stress society most people are sympathetic dominant. If you constantly crave
sugar you might be sympathetic dominant.
Exercise- Our patients receive a video outlining a program that requires 2 days per week of exercise. Exercise will strenghten your heart.
Call our office at 248-926-0455 to
schedule a consultation.
39525 west 14 mile Rd. Suite 100 Novi, Mi 48377 |
Phone: (248) 926-0455 |